Microplastic fiber and drought effects on plants and soil are only slightly modified by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Microplastics are increasingly recognized as a factor of global change.By altering soil inherent properties and processes,ripple-on effects on plants and their symbionts can be expected.Additionally,interactions with other factors of global change,such as drought,can influence the effect of microplastics.We designed a greenhouse study to examine effects of polyester microfibers,arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and drought on plant,microbial and soil responses.We found that polyester microfibers increased the aboveground biomass of Allium cepa under well-watered and drought conditions,but under drought conditions the AM fungal-only treatment reached the highest biomass.Colonization with AM fungi increased under microfiber contamination,however,plant biomass did not increase when both AM fungi and fibers were present.The mean weight diameter of soil aggregates increased with AM fungal inoculation overall but decreased when the system was contaminated with microfibers or drought stressed.Our study adds additional support to the mounting evidence that microplastic fibers in soil can affect the plant-soil system by promoting plant growth,and favoring key root symbionts,AM fungi.Although soil aggregation is usually positively influenced by plant roots and AM fungi,and microplastic promotes both,our results show that plastic still had a negative effect on soil aggregates.Even though there are concerns that microplastic might interact with other factors of global change,our study revealed no such effect for drought.
Anika Lehmann;Eva F.Leifheit;Linshan Feng;Joana Bergmann;Anja Wulf;Matthias C.Rillig
Freie Universit(a)t Berlin,Institut für Biologie,14195 Berlin,Germany;Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research,14195 Berlin,Germany;Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF),15374 Müncheberg,Germany
[1]Anika Lehmann;Eva F.Leifheit;Linshan Feng;Joana Bergmann;Anja Wulf;Matthias C.Rillig-.Microplastic fiber and drought effects on plants and soil are only slightly modified by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi)[J].土壤生态学快报(英文),2022(01):32-44
Conversion of pure Chinese fir plantation to multi-layered mixed plantation enhances the soil aggregate stability by regulating microbial communities in subtropical China
Guannv Gao;Xueman Huang;Haocheng Xu;Yi Wang;Weijun Shen;Wen Zhang;Jinliu Yan;Xiaoyan Su;Shushou Liao;Yeming You-Guangxi Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Conservation,State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-Bioresources,College of Forestry,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China;Guangxi Youyiguan Forest Ecosystem Research Station,Pingxiang,532600,Guangxi,China;School of Agriculture,Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University,Shenzhen,518107,Guangdong China;Institute of Resources and Environment,Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for Bamboo&Rattan Science and Technology,International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan,Beijing 100102,China;Experimental Centre of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Pingxiang 532600,Guangxi,China
Effects of a decade of organic fertilizer substitution on vegetable yield and soil phosphorus pools, phosphatase activities, and the microbial community in a greenhouse vegetable production system
ZHANG Yin-jie;GAO Wei;LUAN Hao-an;TANG Ji-wei;LI Ruo-nan;LI Ming-yue;ZHANG Huai-zhi;HUANG Shao-wen-Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,P.R.China;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment,Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Tianjin 300192,P.R.China;College of Forestry,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071000,P.R.China;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050051,P.R.China
Global analysis of cover management and support practice factors that control soil erosion and conservation
Kindiye Ebabu;Atsushi Tsunekawa;Nigussie Haregeweyn;Mitsuru Tsubo;Enyew Adgo;Ayele Almaw Fenta;Derege Tsegaye Meshesha;Mulatu Liyew Berihun;Dagnenet Sultan;Matthias Vanmaercke;Panos Panagos;Pasquale Borrelli;Eddy J.Langendoen;Jean Poesen-Arid Land Research Center,Tottori University,1390 Hamasaka,Tottori,680-0001,Japan;College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box 1289,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;International Platform for Dryland Research and Education,Tottori University,Tortori,680-0001,Japan;Department of Land Resources Management and Environmental Protection,Mekelle University,P.O.Box 231,Mekelle,Ethiopia;Faculty of Civil and Water Resource Engineering,Bahir Dar Institute of Technology,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box 26,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,KU,Leuven,3001,Heverlee,Belgium;University of Liege,Department of Geography(U.R SPHERES),Clos Mercator 3,4000,Liège,Belgium;European Commission,Joint Research Centre(JRC),Ispra(VR),21027,Italy;Environmental Geosciences,University of Basel,Basel,4056,Switzerland;National Sedimentation Laboratory,Agricultural Research Service,United States Department of Agriculture,USA;Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management,Maria-Curie Sklodowska University,Krasnicka 2D,20-718,Lublin,Poland