Relationship of minimum winter temperature and temperature seasonality to the northern range limit and species richness of trees in North America
Biologists have considered both winter coldness and temperature seasonality as major determinants of the northern limits of plants and animals in the Northern Hemisphere,which in turn drive the well-known latitudinal diversity gradient.However,few studies have tested which of the two climate variables is the primary determinant.In this study,we assess whether winter coldness or temperature seasonality is more strongly associated with the northern latitudinal limits of tree species and with tree species richness in North Amedca.Tree species were recorded in each of 1198 quadrats of 110 km × 110 km in North America.We used correlation and regression analyses to assess the relationship of the latitude of the northern boundary of each species,and of species richness per quadrat,with winter coldness and temperature seasonality.Species richness was analyzed within 38 longitudinal,i.e.,north-south,bands (each being >1100 km long and 110 km wide).The latitudes of the north-ern range limits of tree species were three times better correlated with minimum temperatures at those latitudes than with temperature seasonality.On average,minimum temperature and temperature seasonality together explained 81.5% of the variation in the northern range limits of the tree species examined,and minimum temperature uniquely explained six-fold (33.7%versus 5.8%) more of this variation than did temperature seasonality.Correlations of tree species richness with minimum temperatures were stronger than correlations with tempera-ture seasonality for most of the longitudinal bands analyzed.Compared to temperature sea-sonality,winter coldness is more strongly associated with species distributions at high lati-tudes,and is likely a more important driver of the latitudinal diversity gradient.
Hong QIAN;ZHANG Yangjian;Robert E.RICKLEFS;Xianli WANG
Research and Collections Center,Illinois State Museum,1011 East Ash Street,Springfield,IL 62703,USA;Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;Department of Biology,University of Missouri-St.Louis,St.Louis,MO 63121,USA;Northern Forestry Centre,Canadian Forest Service,Natural Resources Canada,5320-122nd Street,Ed-monton,AB T6H 3S5,Canada;Department of Renewable Resources,University of Alberta,751 General Service Building Edmonton,AB T6G 2H1,Canada
[1]Hong QIAN;ZHANG Yangjian;Robert E.RICKLEFS;Xianli WANG-.Relationship of minimum winter temperature and temperature seasonality to the northern range limit and species richness of trees in North America)[J].地理学报(英文版),2022(02):280-290
Current climate overrides past climate change in explaining multi-site beta diversity of Lauraceae species in China
Ziyan Liao;Youhua Chen;Kaiwen Pan;Mohammed A.Dakhil;Kexin Lin;Xianglin Tian;Fengying Zhang;Xiaogang Wu;Bikram Pandey;Bin Wang;Niklaus E.Zimmermann;Lin Zhang;Michael P.Nobis-CAS Key Laboratory of Mountain Ecological Restoration and Bioresource Utilization&Ecological Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,Chengdu Institute of Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu,610041,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100039,China;Swiss Federal Institute for Forest,Snow and Landscape Research WSL,Zürcherstrasse 111,CH-8903,Birmensdorf Switzerland;Botany and Microbiology Department,Faculty of Science,Helwan University,Cairo,11790,Egypt;Department of Forest Sciences,University of Helsinki,P.O.Box 27,Helsinki,FI-00014,Finland;Academy of Agriculture and Forestry,Qinghai University,Xining,810016,China
Six forests in one:Tree species diversity in the Bosque Protector Chongón Colonche,a lowland mountain range in coastal Ecuadorian
Oswaldo Jadán;David A.Donoso;Edwin Ponce-Ramírez;Franz Pucha-Cofrep;Omar Cabrera-Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias,Universidad de Cuenca,12 de Octubre y Diego de Tapia,Cuenca,010107,Ecuador;Programa de Doctorado en Conservación de Recursos Naturales,Escuela Internacional de Doctorado,Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,Móstoles,Madrid,ES-28933,Spain;Departamento de Biología,Escuela Politécnica Nacional,Ladrón de Guevara E11.253,Quito,170525,Ecuador;Geoforest S.A,12 de febrero y Av.Franklin Vega,Macas,140150,Ecuador;Grupo de Investigación Hidrología y Climatología,Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja,San Cayetano Alto S/N,Loja,110101,Ecuador;Brandenburg University of Technology(BTU)Cottbus-Senftenberg 03044,Cottbus,Germany;Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias,Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja,San Cayetano Alto S/N,Loja,110101,Ecuador
Linking moisture and near-surface wind with winter temperature to reveal the Holocene climate evolution in arid Xinjiang region of China
Fuyuan Gao;Junhuai Yang;Dunsheng Xia;Hao Lu;Shuyuan Wang;Kaiming Li;Zhenqian Wang;Zhipeng Wu;Jiaxin Zhou;Fuxi Shi-College of Urban Environment,Lanzhou City University,Lanzhou 730070,China;Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems(Ministry of Education),College of Earth and Environmental Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China;Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China;Georges Lemaitre Center for Earth and Climate Research,Earth and Life Institute,Uniersité Catholique de Louvain,Louvain-la-Neuve 1348,Belgium;Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Forest Ecosystem Protection and Restoration of Poyang Lake Watershed,College of Forestry,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China;Yulong Snow Mountain Cryosphere and Sustainable Development Field Science Observation and Research Station,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,China
Climate warming over 1961–2019 and impacts on permafrost zonation in Northeast China
Xiaoying Li;Huijun Jin;Long Sun;Hongwei Wang;Ruixia He;Yadong Huang;Xiaoli Chang-Key Laboratory of Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management,Ministry of Education,School of Forestry,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,People's Republic of China;School of Civil Engineering,Northeast China Observatory and Research Station of Permafrost Geo-Environment-Ministry of Education,Institute of Cold-Regions Engineering Science and Technology,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,People's Republic of China;Da-Xing'anling Observatory and Research Station of Permafrost Engineering and Environment and State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soils Engineering,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,People's Republic of China;School of Resource and Environmental and Safety Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan,Hunan 411202,People's Republic of China
Species,growth form,and biogeographic diversity of summit vegetation along an elevation gradient in the tropical Andes:a baseline for climate change monitoring
Luis D.LLAMBI;Luis E.GáMEZ;Roxibell PELAYO;Carmen J.AZóCAR;Jesús E.TORRES;Nelson J.MáRQUEZ;Monica B.BERDUGO;Francisco CUESTA;Lirey A.RAMIREZ-Institute of Environmental and Ecological Sciences(ICAE),University of Los Andes,Mérida 5101,Venezuela;Consorcium for Susteinable Development of the Andean Eco-Region(CONDESAN),Calle Germán Alemán E12-123,Quit 170504,Ecuador;Laboratory of Dendrology,Environmental and Forestry Faculty,University of Los Andes,Mérida 5101,Venezuela;Ecological Plant Geography,Faculty of Geography,Univ.of Marburg,Deutschhausstrasse 10,Marburg 35032,Germany;Group of Biodiversity,Environment and Health Research(BIOMAS),University of Las Américas,Quito 170125,Ecuador
Tropical tree community composition and diversity variation along a volcanic elevation gradient
Rubén MARTíNEZ-CAMILO;Manuel MARTíNEZ-MELéNDEZ;Nayely MARTíNEZ-MELéNDEZ;Derio Antonio JIMéNEZ-LóPEZ;Mauricio JOSé-RíOS-Unidad Villa Corzo,Facultad de Ingeniería,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,30520 Villa Corzo,Chiapas,Mexico;Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,29039 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico;Eizia A.C.,29045 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico;Departamento de Conservación de la Biodiversidad,El Colegio de la Frontera Sur,29290 San Cristóbal de las Casas,Chiapas,Mexico;Orquidiario y Jardín Botánico de Comitán,Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Natural,30106 Comitán de Domínguez,Chiapas,Mexico;Instituto de Investigación en Gestión de Riesgos y Cambio Climático,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,29039 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico