Interconnected Bi5Nb3O15@CNTs network as high-performance anode materials of Li-ion battery
In this work,the facile carbon nanotubes(CNTs)modulation strategy was successfully used to fab-ricate Bi5Nb3O15@CNTs composites as anode materials for lithium-ion battery by a simple solid-state route.The introduction of CNTs does not change the structure of the Bi5Nb3O15 materials,the Bi5Nb3O15 particles are deco-rated on a three-dimensional CNTs network,and the high conductive network promotes transfer of electron/ion and relieve the volume change of Bi5Nb3O15.The Bi5N-b3O15@CNTs(8 wt%)electrode shows a superior rate capability with charge(discharge)capacities of 490(898.7),379.1(401.6),311.3(326.9),276.5(285.5)and 243.4(252)mAh·g-1 at 50,100,200,300 and 500 mA·g-1,respec-tively.However,the Bi5Nb3O15 only shows charge(discharge)capacities of 431(772.6),278.6(309.9),193.1(213.7),160.8(171.1),129.9(139.1)mAh·g-1 at the corresponding rates,respectively.The excellent rate capability of Bi5Nb3O15@CNTs can be ascribed to the homogeneous distribution of Bi5Nb3O15 particles in the CNTs conductive network and the enhancement of con-ductivity.Hence,the CNTs modulation can be considered as an effective strategy to enhance electrochemical per-formances of Bi5Nb3O15 materials.
Xue-Zhong Li;Nan Zhang;Yu-Rong Wu;Qin-Zhi Lai;Yan-Rong Zhu;Jun-Hong Zhang;Ping Cui;Ting-Feng Yi
School of Materials Science and Engineering,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110819,China;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Anhui University of Technology,Maanshan 243002,China;Key Laboratory of Dielectric and Electrolyte Functional Material Hebei Province,Qinhuangdao 066004,China;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Chemical Energy Storage and Novel Cell Technology,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252059,China
[1]Xue-Zhong Li;Nan Zhang;Yu-Rong Wu;Qin-Zhi Lai;Yan-Rong Zhu;Jun-Hong Zhang;Ping Cui;Ting-Feng Yi-.Interconnected Bi5Nb3O15@CNTs network as high-performance anode materials of Li-ion battery)[J].稀有金属(英文版),2022(10):3401-3411
Monoclinic Cu3(OH)2V2O7·2H2O nanobelts/reduced graphene oxide:A novel high-capacity and long-life composite for potassium-ion battery anodes
Liming Ling;Xiwen Wang;Yu Li;Chenxiao Lin;Dong Xie;Min Zhang;Yan Zhang;Jinjia Wei;Huajie Xu;Faliang Cheng;Chuan Wu;Shiguo Zhang-Guangdong Engineering and Technology Research Center for Advanced Nanomaterials,School of Environment and Civil Engineering,Dongguan University of Technology,Dongguan 523808,Guangdong,China;College of Materials Science and Engineering,Hunan Joint International Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Technology for Clean Energy,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,Hunan,China;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,Shaanxi,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmental Science and Engineering,School of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Mold,Ministry of Education,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450002,Henan,China
Advancing Li-ion storage performance with hybrid vertical carbon/Ni3S2-based electrodes
Neelakandan M.Santhosh;Nitheesha Shaji;Petra Stra?ar;Gregor Filipi?;Janez Zava?nik;Chang Won Ho;Murugan Nanthagopal;Chang Woo Lee;Uro? Cvelbar-Department of Gaseous Electronics(F6),Jo?ef Stefan Institute,Jamova cesta 39,SI-1000 Ljubljana,EU,Slovenia;Jo?ef Stefan International Postgraduate School,Jamova cesta 39,SI-1000 Ljubljana,EU,Slovenia;Department of Chemical Engineering(Integrated Engineering),College of Engineering,Kyung Hee University,1732 Deogyeong-daero,Giheung,Yongin,Gyeonggi 17104,South Korea;Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,University of Ljubljana,Jadranska cesta 19,SI-1000 Ljubljana,EU,Slovenia;Center for the SMART Energy Platform,College of Engineering,Kyung Hee University,1732 Deogyeong-daero,Giheung,Yongin,Gyeonggi 17104,South Korea