Direct evidence of microbiological water quality changes on bacterial quantity and community caused by plumbing system
Drinking water quality deteriorates from treatment plant to customer taps,especially in the plumbing system.There is no direct evidence about what the differences are contributed by plumbing system.This study compared the water quality in the water main and at customer tap by preparing a sampling tap on the water main.The biomass was quantified by adeno-sine triphosphate(ATP)and the microbial community was profiled by 454 pyrosequencing.The results showed that in distribution pipes,biofilm contributed>94%of the total biomass,while loose deposits showed little contribution(<2%)because of the low amount of loose deposits.The distribution of biological stable water had minor effects on the microbiocidal water quality regarding both quantity(ATP 1 ng/L vs.1.7 ng/L)and community of the bac-teria.Whereas the plumbing system has significant contribution to the increase of active biomass(1.7 ng/L vs.2.9 ng/L)and the changes of bacterial community.The relative abun-dance of Sphingomonas spp.at tap(22%)was higher than that at water main(2%),while the relative abundance of Pseudomonas spp.in tap water(15%)was lower than that in the wa-ter from street water main(29%).Though only one location was prepared and studied,the present study showed that the protocol of making sampling tap on water main offered di-rectly evidences about the impacts of plumbing system on tap water quality,which makes it possible to distinguish and study the processes in distribution system and plumbing system separately.
Jun Li;Anran Ren;Ed van der Mark;Gang Liu
Key Laboratory of Drinking Water Science and Technology,Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Dunea Water Company,Plaza of the United Nations 11-15,Zoetermeer 2700 AT,the Netherlands;Sanitary engineering,Department of Water management,Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences,Delft University of Technology,Delft 2600 GA,the Netherlands
[1]Jun Li;Anran Ren;Ed van der Mark;Gang Liu-.Direct evidence of microbiological water quality changes on bacterial quantity and community caused by plumbing system)[J].环境科学学报(英文版),2022(06):175-183