Sub-femtometer-resolution absolute spectroscopy with sweeping electro-optic combs
Optical frequency comb with evenly spaced lines over a broad bandwidth has revolutionized the fields of optical metro-logy and spectroscopy. Here, we propose a fast interleaved dual-comb spectroscopy with sub-femtometer-resolution and absolute frequency, in which two electro-optic frequency combs are swept. Electrically-modulated stabilized laser en-ables ultrahigh resolution of 0.16 fm (or 20 kHz in optical frequency) and single-shot measurement in 90 ms. Total 20 mil-lion points are recorded spanning 3.2 nm (or 400 GHz) bandwidth, corresponding to a spectral sampling rate of 2.5 × 108 points/s under Nyquist-limitation. Besides, considering the trade-off between the measurement time and spectral resolu-tion, a fast single-shot measurement is also realized in 1.6 ms with 8 fm (or 1 MHz) resolution. We demonstrate the 25-averaged result with 30.6 dB spectral measurement signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by reducing the filter bandwidth in de-modulation. The results show great prospect for precise measurement with flexibly fast refresh time, high spectral resolu-tion, and high SNR.
Bingxin Xu;Xinyu Fan;Shuai Wang;Zuyuan He
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks,Department of Electronic Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China.
[1]Bingxin Xu;Xinyu Fan;Shuai Wang;Zuyuan He-.Sub-femtometer-resolution absolute spectroscopy with sweeping electro-optic combs)[J].光电进展(英文版),2022(12):35-43
Spectral control of nonclassical light pulses using an integrated thin-film lithium niobate modulator
Di Zhu;Changchen Chen;Mengjie Yu;Linbo Shao;Yaowen Hu;C J.Xin;Matthew Yeh;Soumya Ghosh;Lingyan He;Christian Reimer;Neil Sinclair;Franco N.C.Wong;Mian Zhang;Marko Lon?ar-John A.Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Harvard University,Cambridge,MA 02138,USA;Institute of Materials Research and Engineering,Agency for Science,Technology and Research(A*STAR),Singapore 138634,Singapore;Research Laboratory of Electronics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,MA 02139,USA;HyperLight Corporation,1 Bow Street,Suite 420,Cambridge,MA 02139,USA;Division of Physics,Mathematics and Astronomy,and Alliance for Quantum Technologies(AQT),California Institute of Technology,Pasadena,CA 91125,USA
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Liang HE;Yongcai SHEN;Hongming ZHANG;Bo LYU;Cheonho BAE;Huajiatnw JI;Chaoyang LI;Jia FU;Xuewei DU;Fudi WANG;Qiuping WANG;Xianghui YIN;Shunkuan WAN;Bin BIN;Yichao LI;Shuyu DAI-Institute of Plasma Physics,HFIPS,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hefei 230031,People's Republic of China;University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,People's Republic of China;School of Physics and Materials Engineering,Hefei Normal University,Hefei 230601,People's Republic of China;Institute of Energy,Comprehensive National Science Center,Hefei 230026,People's Republic of China;School of Electrical Engineering,University of South of China,Hengyang 420001,People's Republic of China;Anhui Spectreation Instrument Co.Ltd,Hefei 230088,People's Republic of China;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230029,People's Republic of China;School of Physics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,People's Republic of China
Spectrally tunable high-power Yb∶fiber chirped-pulse amplifier
VALENTINA SHUMAKOVA;VITO F.PECILE;JAKOB FELLINGER;MICHAEL LESKOWSCHEK;P.E.COLLIN ALDIA;ALINE S.MAYER;LUKAS W.PERNER;SARPER SALMAN;MINGQI FAN;PRANNAY BALLA;STéPHANE SCHILT;CHRISTOPH M.HEYL;INGMAR HARTL;GIL PORAT;OLIVER H.HECKL-Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mid-IR Spectroscopy and Semiconductor Optics,Faculty Center for Nano Structure Research,Faculty of Physics,University of Vienna,A-1090 Vienna,Austria;Photonics Institute,TU Wien,A-1040 Vienna,Austria;Vienna Doctoral School in Physics,University of Vienna,A-1090 Vienna,Austria;Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY,22607 Hamburg,Germany;Laboratoire Temps-Fréquence,Université de Neuchatel,CH-2000 Neuchatel,Switzerland;GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH,64291 Darmstadt,Germany;Helmholtz-Institute Jena,07743 Jena,Germany;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Alberta,Edmonton,Alberta T6G 1H9,Canada;Department of Physics,University of Alberta,Edmonton,Alberta T6G 2E1,Canada