Industrial Application of an Iron-Tolerant FCC Catalyst CMT-1HN
CMT-1HN (catalyst with metal trap), the new iron-tolerant catalyst for fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC), has been successfully applied in the resid catalytic cracking unit of Sinopec Hainan Refinery and Chemical Co., Ltd (HNRC). Two test runs were carried out to compare its performance with that of the catalyst used in the Base run. The properties of the feedstocks and operating conditions were almost similar. During the first test run, the added iron on the catalyst reached 7628 μg/g, and the total iron, nickel, vanadium, and calcium contents were equivalent to those in the base run. The yield of "LPG + gasoline" increased by 0.65 percentage points, and that of dry gas decreased by 45%; the volume ratio of hydrogen to methane decreased by 9.33%. During the second test run using the upgraded CMT-1HN catalyst, the added iron on the catalyst reached 6579 μg/g, and the total iron, nickel, vanadium, and calcium contents reached 23210 μg/g. The yield of "LPG + gasoline" increased by 1.15 percentage points, and that of dry gas decreased by 20%; the volume ratio of hydrogen to methane decreased by 20.67%. Industrial application of the CMT-1HN catalyst proved its strong tolerance to metal contamination, especially iron poisoning, as well as its strong bottom cracking ability, leading to improved product distribution. Using CMT-1HN, the tank-bottom crude at HNRC lying in storage since several years, which is the main source of iron contamination in the equilibrium FCC catalyst (FCC E-cat), can be continuously processed to ensure smooth and cost-effective execution of the process scheme in the refinery.
Liu Liqiang;Liu Qianqian;Chen Zhenyu;Ren Fei;Liu Shoujun;Zhu Yuxia
SINOPEC Hainan Refining&Chemical Company Co.,Ltd,Yangpu,Hainan 578101;SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100083
[1]Liu Liqiang;Liu Qianqian;Chen Zhenyu;Ren Fei;Liu Shoujun;Zhu Yuxia-.Industrial Application of an Iron-Tolerant FCC Catalyst CMT-1HN)[J].中国炼油与石油化工(英文版),2022(03):61-66