Mechanical behaviour of medium-grained sandstones exposed to differential cyclic loading with distinct loading and unloading rates
This work aims to investigate the mechanical behaviour of medium-grained sandstones under cyclic loading with different loading/unloading rates.This type of cyclic loading is called differential cyclic loading(DCL)and is considered for testing rock behaviour.In the experiments,constant amplitude and multi-level cyclic loadings were performed.Three loading modes were designed to consider different relationships between loading and unloading rates.Axial strain evolution and energy dissipation were analysed for different loading/unloading rates and maximum cyclic load level.The correlations between P-wave velocities and strengths of rocks deduced from this research are compared with existing pub-lished data.The relationships between final strength and axial strain at failure under different loading patterns were also discussed and a rough assessment of the remaining fatigue life is introduced using the predicted value by fitting the axial peak strain.
Zhengyang Song;Heinz Konietzky;Yunfeng Wu;Kun Du;Xin Cai
Department of Civil Engineering,School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing,100083,China;Geotechnical Institute,TU Bergakademie Freiberg,Freiberg,09599,Germany;School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha,410083,China
[1]Zhengyang Song;Heinz Konietzky;Yunfeng Wu;Kun Du;Xin Cai-.Mechanical behaviour of medium-grained sandstones exposed to differential cyclic loading with distinct loading and unloading rates)[J].岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版),2022(06):1849-1871
γ"variant-sensitive deformation behaviour of Inconel 718 superalloy
R.Y.Zhang;H.L.Qin;Z.N.Bi;Y.T.Tang;J.Araújo de Oliveira;T.L.Lee;C.Panwisawas;S.Y.Zhang;J.Zhang;J.Li;H.B.Dong-Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials,Dongguan 523808,China;School of Engineering,University of Leicester,University Road,Leicester LEI 7RH,United Kingdom;Beijing Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials,Central Iron and Steel Research Institute,Beijing 100081,China;Department of Materials,University of Oxford,Parks Road,Oxford OX1 3PH,United Kingdom;StressMap,Engineering and Innovation Department,The Open University,Walton Hall,Milton Keynes MK7 6AA,United Kingdom;ISIS Neutron Source,Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,Harwell Science and Innovation Campus,Chilton,Oxfordshire OX11 OQX,United Kingdom;School of Material Science and Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China