Pre-Processing, Quality Assurance, and Use of Global Atmospheric Motion Vector Observations in CRA
Assimilation of atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) is important in the initialization of the atmospheric state in numerical weather prediction models, especially over oceans and at high latitudes where conventional data are sparse.This paper presents a detailed description of the pre-processing, quality assurance, and use of global AMVs in China'sfirst generation of the 40-yr (1979–2018) CRA global atmospheric reanalysis product. A new AMV archive is integ-rated from near real-time operational Global Telecommunication System data and reprocessed AMV datasets re-leased or produced mainly during 2014–2016 according to a priority principle. To avoid the misuse of data with sys-tematic quality problems, the observations of all 18 types of AMVs from 54 satellites are pre-evaluated over thewhole time series. The pre-evaluation system developed by the CRA team is based on the NCEP Gridpoint StatisticalInterpolation (GSI) three-dimensional variational assimilation system and the ERA-Interim reanalysis product. TheAMVs in the new AMV archive are denser than the AMVs prepared for the Climate Forecast System Reanalysisproduct, the bias and root-mean-square values are smaller, and the time series are steadier. The new AMV archive isassimilated in the CRA product based on the NCEP GSI assimilation procedure and quality control configurationwith reference to the pre-evaluation results. This is the first time that the reprocessed AMVs from Fengyun-2 satel-lites from June 2005 to July 2017 are assimilated in a reanalysis product. The assimilation features inspire confid-ence in the accuracy and stability of these data. The mean root-mean-square values of the observation minus analysisinfrared, water vapor, and visible AMV were 1.5–3.4, 2.7–3.6, and 1.3–2.1 m s?1, respectively. This experience of in-tegrating, pre-evaluating, and assimilating AMV observations is valuable for the next generation of reanalysisproducts.
Minyan WANG;Shuang YAO;Lipeng JIANG;Tao ZHANG;Chunxiang SHI;Ting ZHU
National Meteorological Information Centre, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081;CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre, China Meteorological Administration (CMA), Beijing 100081
[1]Minyan WANG;Shuang YAO;Lipeng JIANG;Tao ZHANG;Chunxiang SHI;Ting ZHU-.Pre-Processing, Quality Assurance, and Use of Global Atmospheric Motion Vector Observations in CRA)[J].气象学报(英文版),2022(06):947-962