A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties
Forest fires are key ecosystem modifiers affect-ing the biological, chemical, and physical attributes of forest soils. The extent of soil disturbance by fire is largely depend-ent on fire intensity, duration and recurrence, fuel load, and soil characteristics. The impact on soil properties is intri-cate, yielding different results based on these factors. This paper reviews research investigating the effects of wildfire and prescribed fire on the biological and physico-chemical attributes of forest soils and provides a summary of current knowledge associated with the benefits and disadvantages of such fires. Low-intensity fires with ash deposition on soil surfaces cause changes in soil chemistry, including increase in available nutrients and pH. High intensity fires are noted for the complete combustion of organic matter and result in severe negative impacts on forest soils. High intensity fires result in nutrient volatilization, the break down in soil aggregate stability, an increase soil bulk density, an increase in the hydrophobicity of soil particles leading to decreased water infiltration with increased erosion and destroy soil biota. High soil heating (> 120℃) from high-intensity for-est fires is detrimental to the soil ecosystem, especially its physical and biological properties. In this regard, the use of prescribed burning as a management tool to reduce the fuel load is highly recommended due to its low intensity and limited soil heating. Furthermore, the use of prescribed fires to manage fuel loads is critically needed in the light of current global warming as it will help prevent increased wildfire incidences. This review provides information on the impact of forest fires on soil properties, a key feature in the maintenance of healthy ecosystems. In addition, the review should prompt comprehensive soil and forest management regimes to limit soil disturbance and restore fire-disturbed soil ecosystems.
Alex Amerh Agbeshie;Simon Abugre;Thomas Atta-Darkwa;Richard Awuah
Department of Environmental Management,University of Energy and Natural Resources(UENR),Sunyani,Ghana;Department of Forest Science,University of Energy and Natural Resources(UENR),Sunyani,Ghana;Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Energy and Natural Resources(UENR),Sunyani,Ghana
[1]Alex Amerh Agbeshie;Simon Abugre;Thomas Atta-Darkwa;Richard Awuah-.A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties)[J].林业研究(英文版),2022(05):1419-1441
Effects of native and invasive Prosopis species on topsoil physiochemical properties in an arid riparian forest of Hormozgan Province, Iran
Maryam MOSLEHI JOUYBARI;Asgahr BIJANI;Hossien PARVARESH;Ross SHACKLETON;Akram AHMADI-Research Division of Natural Resources,Hormozgan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center,Agricultural Research,Education and Extension Organization(AREEO),Bandar Abbas 7915847669,Iran;Department of Environmental Sciences,Bandar Abbas Branch,Islamic Azad University,Bandar Abbas 7915893144,Iran;Swiss Federal Institute for Forest,Snow and Landscape Research(WSL),Birmensdorf 8903,Switzerland;Centre for Invasion Biology,Department of Botany&Zoology,Stellenbosch University,Stellenbosch 7602,South Africa;Research Division of Natural Resources,Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center,Agricultural Research,Education and Extension Organization(AREEO),Gorgan 4915677555,Iran
Functional traits of poplar leaves and fine roots responses to ozone pollution under soil nitrogen addition
Pin Li;Rongbin Yin;Huimin Zhou;Sheng Xu;Zhaozhong Feng-Research Center for Urban Forestry,Key Laboratory for Forest Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education,Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Forest Ecosystem Research in Arid-and Semi-arid Region of State Forestry Administration,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China;State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China;Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Management,Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China;Institute of Ecology,Key Laboratory of Agrometeorology of Jiangsu Province,School of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China