Retention of eucalyptus harvest residues reduces soil compaction caused by deep subsoiling
Eucalyptus harvesting, forwarding and soil till-age operations are among the main causes for compaction of forest soils, with potential impacts on productivity. This concern is especially important in areas with soils that are naturally compacted (fragipans and duripans). In these soils, tillage operations include the use of subsoilers that can reach depths of more than one meter and require heavy tractors that exert high pressure on the soil. One of the ways to try to minimize the effect of this compaction is by retaining harvest residues. The objective of this study was to evalu-ate the impacts of eucalyptus harvesting on soil physical attributes, as well as to determine the potential of different types of residue management to reduce compaction from the soil tillage operation. Two experiments were conducted in the same area with a Yellow Argisol. In the first experi-ment, compaction caused by mechanized harvesting with harvester + forwarder was evaluated. In the second experi-ment, different managements of harvest residues were exam-ined as potential modifiers of soil compaction during tillage for new plantings. For this, three managements systems were tested: (1) retention of all harvest residues and litter from the previous rotation (HR + L), (2) retention of litter from the previous rotation (L), and (3) removal of harvest residues and litter from the previous rotation (WR). Before and after harvest, sampling was carried out in the planting rows and inter-rows, and after tillage, samples were collected in the traffic line of the subsoiler-tractor set. In both experiments, undisturbed soil samples were collected from the center of the 0–10, 10–20, 20–40, 40–60, and 60–100 cm layers to determine soil density and total porosity. In each period and site of evaluation, mechanical resistance to penetration up to the 60-cm depth was also determined. The harvest-ing operation increased soil density at 0–10 and 60–100 cm depths only in the inter-rows. Retention of harvest residues and litter (HR + L) after harvesting avoided increases in soil density and penetration resistance caused by machine traffic during tillage. The results indicate the importance of retain-ing harvest residues on forest soils for achieving sustainable utilization and for conserving soil quality.
Raphael Oliveira de Melo;AymbiréAngeletti da Fonseca;Nairam Félix de Barros;Raphael Bragan?a Alves Fernandes;Rafael da Silva Teixeira;Iago Nery Melo;Ricardo Previdente Martins
Soil Science Department,Universidade Federal de Vi?osa, Vi?osa,Minas Gerais,Brazil;BRACELL Company,Alagoinhas,Bahia,Brazil
[1]Raphael Oliveira de Melo;AymbiréAngeletti da Fonseca;Nairam Félix de Barros;Raphael Bragan?a Alves Fernandes;Rafael da Silva Teixeira;Iago Nery Melo;Ricardo Previdente Martins-.Retention of eucalyptus harvest residues reduces soil compaction caused by deep subsoiling)[J].林业研究(英文版),2022(02):643-651
Size fractions of organic matter pools influence their stability:Application of the Rock-Eval? analysis to beech forest soils
David SEBAG;Eric P.VERRECCHIA;Thierry ADATTE;Micha?l AUBERT;Guillaume CAILLEAU;Thibaud DECA?NS;Isabelle KOWALEWSKI;Jean TRAP;Fabrice BUREAU;Micka?l HEDDE-Normandie Univ,Université de Rouen Normandie(UNIROUEN),Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS),M2C,Rouen 76000(France);Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics(IDYST),Geopolis,University of Lausanne,Lausanne 1015(Switzerland);Institut Fran?ais du Pétrole Energies Nouvelles(IFPEN),Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Division,Rueil-Malmaison 92852(France);Institute of Earth Sciences(ISTE),Geopolis,University of Lausanne,Lausanne 1015(Switzerland);Normandie Univ,Université de Rouen Normandie(UNIROUEN),Institut National de Recherche pour l Agriculture,l'Alimentation et l'Environnement(INRAE),Laboratoire étude et Compréhension de la bioDIVersité(ECODIV),Rouen 76000(France);Laboratory of Microbiology,Institute of Biology,University of Neuchatel,Neuchatel 2000(Switzerland);Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive(CEFE),Université de Montpellier,CNRS,Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes(EPHE),Institut de Recherche pour le Développement(IRD),Montpellier 34000(France);Eco&Sols,INRAE,IRD,Université de Montpellier,Montpellier 34000(France)
Tillage and crop management impacts on soil loss and crop yields in northwestern Ethiopia
Fekremariam Asargew Mihretie;Atsushi Tsunekawa;Nigussie Haregeweyn;Enyew Adgo;Mitsuru Tsubo;Kindiye Ebabu;Tsugiyuki Masunaga;Birhanu Kebede;Derege Tsegaye Meshesha;Wataru Tsuji;Muluken Bayable;Mulatu Liyew Berihun-The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,Tottori University,4-101 Koyama-Minami,Tottori,680-8553,Japan;Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute,P.O.Box,527,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Arid Land Research Center,Tottori University,1390 Hamasaka,Tottori,680-0001,Japan;International Platform for Dryland Research and Education,Tottori University,1390 Hamasaka,Tottori,680-0001,Japan;College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box 1289,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Faculty of Life and Environmental Science,Shimane University,Shimane,Japan;Faculty of Civil and Water Resource Engineering,Bahir Dar Institute of Technology,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box,252,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Faculty of Agriculture,Tottori University,Tottori,Japan
Global analysis of cover management and support practice factors that control soil erosion and conservation
Kindiye Ebabu;Atsushi Tsunekawa;Nigussie Haregeweyn;Mitsuru Tsubo;Enyew Adgo;Ayele Almaw Fenta;Derege Tsegaye Meshesha;Mulatu Liyew Berihun;Dagnenet Sultan;Matthias Vanmaercke;Panos Panagos;Pasquale Borrelli;Eddy J.Langendoen;Jean Poesen-Arid Land Research Center,Tottori University,1390 Hamasaka,Tottori,680-0001,Japan;College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box 1289,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;International Platform for Dryland Research and Education,Tottori University,Tortori,680-0001,Japan;Department of Land Resources Management and Environmental Protection,Mekelle University,P.O.Box 231,Mekelle,Ethiopia;Faculty of Civil and Water Resource Engineering,Bahir Dar Institute of Technology,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box 26,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,KU,Leuven,3001,Heverlee,Belgium;University of Liege,Department of Geography(U.R SPHERES),Clos Mercator 3,4000,Liège,Belgium;European Commission,Joint Research Centre(JRC),Ispra(VR),21027,Italy;Environmental Geosciences,University of Basel,Basel,4056,Switzerland;National Sedimentation Laboratory,Agricultural Research Service,United States Department of Agriculture,USA;Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management,Maria-Curie Sklodowska University,Krasnicka 2D,20-718,Lublin,Poland
Runoff and nutrient losses in alfalfa(Medicago sativa L)production with tied-ridge-furrow rainwater harvesting on sloping land
Qi Wang;Fuchun Li;Xiaole Zhao;Wucheng Zhao;Dengkui Zhang;Xujiao Zhou;David J.Sample;Xiaoyun Wang;Qinglin Liu;Xiaoling Li;Guang Li;Heling Wang;Kai Zhang;Jin Chen-College of Grassland Science,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,730070,China;Tongwei County Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Dingxi,743300,China;Department of Biological Systems Engineering,Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.,Virginia Beach,VA,USA;Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,730070,China;College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,730070,China;College of Forestry,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,730070,China;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Change and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province,Key Open Laboratory of Arid Change and Disaster Reduction of CMA,Institute of Arid Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Lanzhou,730020,China;Dingxi Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Dingxi,743000,China