Rhyacian-Orosirian tectonic history of the Juiz de Fora Complex:Evidence for an Archean crustal reservoir within an island-arc system
The southern S?o Francisco Paleocontinent(SFP)comprises Archean nuclei and Paleoproterozoic com-plexes encompassing magmatic arcs juxtaposed during a Rhyacian to Orosirian orogenic event.The Juiz de Fora Complex(JFC)represents an imbricated thrust system that comprises orthogranulites with a wide compositional range formed in an intra-oceanic setting during the Siderian to the Orosirian and later accreted to the southeastern margin of the SFP.Here we report new petrological,geochemical,whole-rock Nd and Sr data,as well as zircon U-Pb ages from felsic and mafic orthogranulites from the JFC.The new data is combined with a regional compilation that enables an evaluation of the interaction between magmatism and orogenetic episodes in the context of the consolidation of S?o Francisco Paleocontinent during the Rhyacian-Orosirian.Pre collisional Island Arc tholeiites(IAT),Tonalites-Tron dhjemites-Granodiorites(TTGs)and sanukitoid magmatism occurred from 2200 Ma to 2085 Ma.This was followed by post-collisional magmatism,which is represented by hybrid granitoids coeval with the emplacement of E-MORB basic rocks.Crustal signatures for the Rhyacian to Orosirian evolution are highlighted by the dominance of negative εNd(t)associated with Meso-to Neoarchean Nd TDM model ages as well as inherited zircon grains from the hybrid granitoids.The JFC is extensively highlighted in the lit-erature as a primitive intra-oceanic arc,but here we propose the reworking or recycling of ancient crustal segments within the mature arc stage of the JFC,suggesting a Mesoarchean crustal source involved in the JFC evolution.
Rasec Almeida;Vitalino Elizeu;Henrique Bruno;Samuel Moreira Bersan;Lucas Eduardo de Abreu Barbosa Araujo;Ivo Dussin;Claudio de Morisson Valeriano;Carla Neto;Monica Heilbron
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,Faculdade de Geologia,Tektos-Grupo de Pesquisa em Geotect?nica,Rua S?o Francisco Xavier 524,Maracan?,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil;Laboratório de Geocronologia e Isótopos Radiogênicos,Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,Rua S?o Francisco Xavier 524,Maracan?,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil
[1]Rasec Almeida;Vitalino Elizeu;Henrique Bruno;Samuel Moreira Bersan;Lucas Eduardo de Abreu Barbosa Araujo;Ivo Dussin;Claudio de Morisson Valeriano;Carla Neto;Monica Heilbron-.Rhyacian-Orosirian tectonic history of the Juiz de Fora Complex:Evidence for an Archean crustal reservoir within an island-arc system)[J].地学前缘(英文版),2022(05):350-369
A-type granites induced by a breaking-off and delamination of the subducted Junggar oceanic plate, West Junggar, Northwest China
Chu Wu;Tao Hong;Xing-Wang Xud;Cheng-Xi Wang;Lian-Hui Dong-Development and Research Center of China Geological Survey,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100037,China;Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of Geodynamics and Geohazards,School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China;Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Zhuhai),Zhuhai 519082,China;Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Institutions of Earth Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China;Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830000,China
The onset of deep recycling of supracrustal materials at the Paleo-Mesoarchean boundary
Xiaolei Wang;Ming Tang;Jeff Moyen;Di Wang;Alfred Kr?ner;Chris Hawkesworth;Xiaoping Xia;Hangqiang Xie;Carl Anhaeusser;Axel Hofmann;Junyong Li;Linsen Li-State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research,School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China;School of Earth and Space Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans UMR6524,Université de Lyon,UJM-UCA-CNRS-IRD,Saint Etienne 42023,France;Institut für Geowissenschaften,Universit?t Mainz,Mainz 55099,Germany;Department of Earth Sciences,University of Bristol,Bristol BS8 1RJ,UK;State Key Laboratory of lsotope Geochemistry,Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,China;SHRIMP Center,Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China;Economic Geology Research Unit,University of the Witwatersrand,Johannesburg 2050,South Africa;Department of Geology,University of Johannesburg,Johannesburg 2006,South Africa