Consistent response of nematode communities to management of coniferous plantations
Background:Crop-tree thinning(CTT)is a forest management practice aiming at enhancing the growth of target trees in plantations by harvesting neighboring trees.Along with the positive effect on tree growth,thinning represents a disturbance,which likely affects belowground organisms and may feed back to stand productivity.However,the impact of CTT on the belowground food web is poorly understood.Since nematodes are species-rich and abundant belowground organisms,occupying a variety of trophic positions in soil food webs and being sensitive to disturbances,they serve as ecological indicators of ecosystem disturbance.Results:We studied the effect of CTT on the soil nematode community structure in pine(Pinus massoniana Lamb.),Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)and cypress(Cupressus funebris Endl.)plantations in the Sichuan Basin three years after applying CTT.Crop-tree thinning significantly increased the abundance of soil nematodes in each of the plantations.Moreover,CTT significantly increased the relative abundance of herbivo-rous nematodes in each of the plantations.Furthermore,CTT increased the proportion of stress tolerators(c-p 1)and enrichment opportunists(c-p 2)and reduced the maturity,structure and enrichment indices of nematodes in Chinese fir and cypress plantations,while only subtle changes were observed in pine plantations.Interestingly,across plantations,the effects of CTT on soil nematode communities were mainly due to changes in microbial biomass nitrogen and understory vegetation diversity.Conclusions:Forest management practices resulting in more open canopies uniformly affect soil food webs by changing the quantity and quality of resources associated with increased understory cover and diversity as well as microbial food.These insights increase our understanding of the impacts of forest management on the structure and functioning of belowground communities,which may contribute to management and conservation policies for more sustainable forestry.
Haifeng Yin;Yu Su;Size Liu;Xiangjun Li;Xianwei Li;Chuan Fan;Pingting Guan;Zhijing Xie;Simin Wang;Stefan Scheu;Valentyna Krashevska
College of Forestry,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu,611130,China;J.F.Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology,University of G?ttingen,G?ttingen,37073,Germany;Sichuan Academy of Forestry,Chengdu,610036,China;State Forestry and Grassland Administration Key Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecological Safety on the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu,611130,China;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Vegetation Restoration,School of Environment,Northeast Normal University,Changchun,130117,China;Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use,University of G?ttingen,G?ttingen,37073,Germany
[1]Haifeng Yin;Yu Su;Size Liu;Xiangjun Li;Xianwei Li;Chuan Fan;Pingting Guan;Zhijing Xie;Simin Wang;Stefan Scheu;Valentyna Krashevska-.Consistent response of nematode communities to management of coniferous plantations)[J].森林生态系统(英文版),2022(04):483-490
Species,growth form,and biogeographic diversity of summit vegetation along an elevation gradient in the tropical Andes:a baseline for climate change monitoring
Luis D.LLAMBI;Luis E.GáMEZ;Roxibell PELAYO;Carmen J.AZóCAR;Jesús E.TORRES;Nelson J.MáRQUEZ;Monica B.BERDUGO;Francisco CUESTA;Lirey A.RAMIREZ-Institute of Environmental and Ecological Sciences(ICAE),University of Los Andes,Mérida 5101,Venezuela;Consorcium for Susteinable Development of the Andean Eco-Region(CONDESAN),Calle Germán Alemán E12-123,Quit 170504,Ecuador;Laboratory of Dendrology,Environmental and Forestry Faculty,University of Los Andes,Mérida 5101,Venezuela;Ecological Plant Geography,Faculty of Geography,Univ.of Marburg,Deutschhausstrasse 10,Marburg 35032,Germany;Group of Biodiversity,Environment and Health Research(BIOMAS),University of Las Américas,Quito 170125,Ecuador