New analytic solutions to 2D transient heat conduction problems with/without heat sources in the symplectic space
The two-dimensional(2D)transient heat conduction problems with/without heat sources in a rectangular domain under different combinations of temperature and heat flux boundary conditions are studied by a novel symplectic superposition method(SSM).The solution process is within the Hamiltonian system framework such that the mathematical procedures in the symplectic space can be implemented,which provides an exceptional direct rigorous derivation without any assumptions or predetermination of the solution forms compared with the conventional inverse/semi-inverse methods.The distinctive advantage of the SSM offers an access to new analytic heat conduction solu-tions.The results obtained by the SSM agree well with those obtained from the finite element method(FEM),which confirms the accuracy of the SSM.
Dian XU;Xinran ZHENG;Dongqi AN;Chao ZHOU;Xiuwen HUANG;Rui LI
State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment,Department of Engineering Mechanics,and International Research Center for Computational Mechanics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,Liaoning Province,China
[1]Dian XU;Xinran ZHENG;Dongqi AN;Chao ZHOU;Xiuwen HUANG;Rui LI-.New analytic solutions to 2D transient heat conduction problems with/without heat sources in the symplectic space)[J].应用数学和力学(英文版),2022(08):1233-1248
Pushing the limit of thermal conductivity of MAX borides and MABs
Shaohan Li;Weiwei Sun;Yi Luo;Jin Yu;Litao Sun;Bao-Tian Wang;Ji-Xuan Liu;Guo-Jun Zhang;Igor Di Marco-School of Materials Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China;Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallic Materials,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China;SEU-FEI Nano-Pico Center,Key Laboratory of MEMS of Ministry of Education,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),Beijing 100049,China;Collaborative Innovation Center of Extreme Optics,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China;State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,College of Materials Science and Engineering,Institute of Functional Materials,Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China;Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics,Pohang,Gyeonbuk 790-784,Republic of Korea;Department of Physics,POSTECH,Pohang,Gyeonbuk 790-784,Republic of Korea;Department of Physics and Astronomy,Uppsala University,Box 516,Uppsala SE-75120,Sweden
A hybrid machine learning model for predicting continuous cooling transformation diagrams in welding heat-affected zone of low alloy steels
Xiaoxiao Geng;Xinping Mao;Hong-Hui Wu;Shuize Wang;Weihua Xue;Guanzhen Zhang;Asad Ullah;Hao Wang-Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering,Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin 123000,China;Metals and Chemistry Research Institute,China Academy of Railway Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;Department of Mathematical Sciences,Karakoram International University,Gilgit-Baltistan,15100,Pakistan