Large-scale synthesis of polyynes with commercial laser marking technology
The space-confined synthesis method has been an efficient way for the preparation of linear carbon chains.However,the large-scale preparation of linear carbon chains still faces many challenges due to the lack of methods for the large-scale synthesis of precursors,such as short carbon chains(polyynes),and regulation technology for the transport of reactants in one-dimensional space.Here,we report a facile method for the rapid preparation of polyynes in large quantities using a commercial laser marking machine.Spectroscopic characterizations show that a large number of polyynes,such as C8H2,C10H2,C12H2,and C14H2,can be produced by ablating the graphite plate immersed in the organic liquid using a laser marking machine.The results of in situ Raman spectroscopy investigation of C2nH2-filled single-walled carbon nanotubes further confirm that a variety of polyyne molecules are synthesized.Meanwhile,in situ Raman spectroscopy also shows that the local heating treatment can accelerate the filling process of C2nH2 into one-dimensional channels.This work provides new insights into the study of linear carbon chains and space-confined synthesis methods.
Liang Fang;Yanping Xie;Shujie Sun;Wei Zi
Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Province for Energy-Saving Building Materials,Xinyang Normal University,Xinyang 464000,China;Analysis&Testing Center,Xinyang Normal University,Xinyang 464000,China
[1]Liang Fang;Yanping Xie;Shujie Sun;Wei Zi-.Large-scale synthesis of polyynes with commercial laser marking technology)[J].中国物理B(英文版),2022(12):194-197
Fundamentals and comprehensive insights on pulsed laser synthesis of advanced materials for diverse photo-and electrocatalytic applications
Jayaraman Theerthagiri;K.Karuppasamy;Seung Jun Lee;R.Shwetharani;Hyun-Seok Kim;S.K.Khadheer Pasha;Muthupandian Ashokkumar;Myong Yong Choi-Core-Facility Center for Photochemistry&Nanomaterials,Department of Chemistry,Research Institute of Natural Sciences,Gyeongsang National University,Jinju 52828,Republic of Korea;Division of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,Dongguk University-Seoul,Seoul 04620,Republic of Korea;Centre for Nano and Material Sciences,Jain University,Jain Global Campus,Kanakapura,Bangalore 562112 Karnataka,India;Department of Physics,Vellore Institute of Technology(Amaravati Campus),Amaravati,522501 Guntur,Andhra Pradesh,India;School of Chemistry,University of Melbourne,Parkville Campus,Melbourne,VIC 3010,Australia
Fundamentals and comprehensive insights on pulsed laser synthesis of advanced materials for diverse photo-and electrocatalytic applications
Jayaraman Theerthagiri;K Karuppasamy;Seung Jun Lee;R.Shwetharani;Hyun-Seok Kim;S.K Khadheer Pasha;Muthupandian Ashokkumar;Myong Yong Choi-Core-Facility Center for Photochemistry&Nanomaterials,Department of Chemistry,Research Institute of Natural Sciences,Gyeongsang National University,Jinju 52828,Republic of Korea;Division of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,Dongguk University-Seoul,Seoul 04620,Republic of Korea;Centre for Nano and Material Sciences,Jain University,Jain Global Campus,Kanakapura,Bangalore 562112 Karnataka,India;Department of Physics,Vellore Institute of Technology(Amaravati Campus),Amaravati,522501 Guntur,Andhra Pradesh,India;School of Chemistry,University of Melbourne,Parkville Campus,Melbourne,VIC 3010,Australia
Terahertz structured light:nonparaxial Airy imaging using silicon diffractive optics
Rusnè lva?kevi?iūtè-Povilauskienè;Paulius Kizevi?ius;Ernestas Nacius;Domas Jokubauskis;K?stutis lkamas;Alvydas Lisauskas;Natalia Alexeeva;leva Matulaitienè;Vytautas Jukna;Sergej Orlov;Linas Minkevi?ius;Gintaras Valu?is-Department of Optoelectronics,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Sauletekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Department of Fundamental Research,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Institute of Applied Electrodynamics&Telecommunications,Vilnius University,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;CENTERA Labs.,Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS,ul.Sokolowska 29/37,Warsaw 01-142,Poland;Department of Organic Chemistry,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology,Department of Physics,Vilnius University,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania