Role of trace additions of Ca and Sn in improving the corrosion resistance of Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy
The limited wide applicability of commercial Mg alloys is mainly attributed to the poor corrosion resistance. Addition of alloying elements is the simplest and effective method to improve the corrosion properties. Based on the low-cost alloy composition design, the corro-sion behavior of commercial Mg–3Al–1Zn (AZ31) alloy bearing minor Ca or Sn element was characterized by scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy, hydrogen evolution, electrochemical measurements, and corrosion morphology analysis. Results revealed that the potential differ-ence of Al2Ca/α-Mg and Mg2Sn/α-Mg was (230 ± 19) mV and (80 ± 6) mV, respectively, much lower than that of Al8Mn5/α-Mg (430 ± 31) mV in AZ31 alloy, which illustrated that AZ31–0.2Sn alloy performed the best corrosion resistance, followed by AZ31–0.2Ca, while AZ31 al-loy exhibited the worst corrosion resistance. Moreover, Sn dissolved into matrix obviously increased the potential of α-Mg and participated in the formation of dense SnO2 film at the interface of matrix, while Ca element was enriched in the corrosion product layer, resulting in the cor-rosion product layer of AZ31–0.2Ca/Sn alloys more compact, stable, and protective than AZ31 alloy. Therefore, AZ31 alloy bearing 0.2wt%Ca or Sn element exhibited excellent balanced properties, which is potential to be applied in commercial more comprehensively.
Panpan Wang;Haitao Jiang;Yujiao Wang;Yun Zhang;Shiwei Tian;Yefei Zhang;Zhiming Cao
Institute of Engineering Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100086,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China
[1]Panpan Wang;Haitao Jiang;Yujiao Wang;Yun Zhang;Shiwei Tian;Yefei Zhang;Zhiming Cao-.Role of trace additions of Ca and Sn in improving the corrosion resistance of Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy)[J].矿物冶金与材料学报,2022(08):1559-1569
Electrochemical behavior of open-cellular structured Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by electron beam melting in simulated physiological fluid:the significance of pore characteristics
Xin Gai;Rui Liu;Yun Bai;Shujun Li;Yang Yang;Shenru Wang;Jianguo Zhang;Wentao Hou;Yulin Hao;Xing Zhang;Rui Yang;R.D.K.Misra-Shi-changxu Innovation Center for Advanced Materials,Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology of China,Shenyang 110016,China;Department of Orthopedic Surgery,Peking Union Medical College Hospital(PUMCH),Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100730,China;Department of Metallurgical,Materials,and Biomedical Engineering,The University of Texas at El Paso,500W.University Avenue,El Paso,TX 79968,United States
Tailoring precipitation/properties and related mechanisms for a high-strength aluminum alloy plate via low-temperature retrogression and re-aging processes
L.G.Hou;H.Yu;Y.W.Wang;L.You;Z.B.He;C.M.Wu;D.G.Eskin;L.Katgerman;L.Z.Zhuang;J.S.Zhang-State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals&Materials,University of Science&Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;BCAST,Brunel University London,Kingston Lane,Uxbidge Middlesex UB8 3PH,United Kingdom;Nanjing Advanced Transportation Equipment New Technology Research Institute,Nanjing 211800,China;Institute of mineral resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China;Tomsk State University,Tomsk,634050,Russian Federation;Katgerman Aluminium Technology,van Beuningenlaan 10,2334CC Leiden,NetherlandsDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering,Delft University of Technology,Mekelweg 2,2628CD Delft,the Netherlands
New insights into the mechanism of localised corrosion induced by TiN-containing inclusions in high strength low alloy steel
Chao Liu;Reynier I.Revilla;Xuan Li;Zaihao Jiang;Shufeng Yang;Zhongyu Cui;Dawei Zhang;Herman Terryn;Xiaogang Li-Institute of Advanced Materials and Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Department of Materials and Chemistry,Research Group Electrochemical and Surface Engineering,Vrije Universiteit Brussel,Brussels,Belgium;School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Department of Material Science and Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China